A couple months ago, my beautiful friend, Pam Taylor, and I were talking on the phone. We were talking about alignment, energy and the Law Of Attraction and Pam mentioned the name Abraham Hicks. I had no idea who that was, but I have a thirst for knowledge when it comes to energy & vibration, so after our call was over, I went on YouTube and did a search for Abraham Hicks. I was expecting an older gentleman, maybe some kind of scientist, so I was very surprised when I heard a woman’s voice. I had to know more, so I scooted over to Google and learned that Esther Hicks is a conduit for Abraham and Abraham is a group consciousness from the non-physical dimension. Mind blown.

Esther Hicks

Every day, several times a day since then, I have listened to Abraham’s teachings. I felt like I was learning the secret to everything – life, death, love, creation and happiness, to name just a few. There was a little part of me that wondered if this was real or some ploy, but that little part of me was silenced when this happened last Thursday – August 10, 2023, the day that changed the entire trajectory of my life.

I was listening to Abraham while I was eating lunch, as usual, and they told a story that really resonated with me.

Here is that story: “Jerry and Esther sat on their porch at their home in Texas one day. And it had been a very hot summer and hardly any rain. They had three acres at the time and a lot of it was beautifully landscaped and everything was suffering from not enough water.

As they sat on the front porch, Esther said, “Abraham, can you help it rain?” And we said, “Why do you want the rain?” And Esther said, “Because everything is so dry. Look at all of the dirt. The ground is cracked, and the trees are all thirsty. The critters in the bushes don’t have enough water to drink.” And we said, “Esther, we didn’t ask you why you don’t like it when it’s not raining. We asked you ‘Why do you want the rain’? We are asking you – what do you want?” 

Esther said “Ohhhhh. I want it rain because I love the way the rain smells. And I love the way it feels on my skin and I love how it softens the earth and I love how it gets sucked up into the trees and the bushes and makes them healthy and green. And all the little critters have something to drink. I like it because it cools the air.”

And in that moment, it incredibly, began to rain. A clear blue sky and an isolated thunderstorm because Jerry and Esther, in tandem with infinite intelligence, focused upon the desire, not the absence of it.”

Later that afternoon, as the sun was blasting through my west-facing window, I thought about what a hot summer it had been in western Colorado and how it had only rained once. Then I remembered the rain story that I’d heard Abraham tell earlier that day and I decided to try what Esther and Jerry had done to make it rain. 

I started speaking about why I wanted it to rain – I want it to rain because it makes the grass green, the air feel fresh and clean, and it keeps everything growing and the birds and other animals healthy and hydrated. I love the smell of the air and the softness of the earth after it rains.

As I spoke those words out loud, while looking out my window, clouds began to congregate. The sky was bright blue all day and the sun was hot and beating down, but as I continued to speak about why I wanted it to rain, the clouds kept gathering overhead. 

I thought to myself, can this really be true? I had to go see for myself and as I walked through the hallway to the door of the back patio, I heard what sounded like pennies dropping on the roof and as I walked outside I saw this!

I was weeping the whole time I was shooting this video. They were tears of elation because I knew…I know…this is real. THIS is the secret of life. You can’t just speak affirmations to get what you want. You have to match your vibration with the vibration of what you want. You have to feel the feeling of having it before it’s manifested in physical form. Whoever said “I’ll believe it when I see it,” had it all backwards. The truth is, you have to BELIEVE it to see it. Now that I’m learning these treasured secrets, I can’t wait to see what my future holds. You can be whoever you want, you can do whatever you  want, you can have whatever you desire, if you work in tandem with infinite intelligence. 

Stay tuned – I know I will have more amazing updates to come!

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