Once you get to adulthood, life seems to be just one long series of renovations – your house, your relationships, your body, your soul.

We paint the walls, go to couples counseling, do the botox and read self-help books, but those things don’t really change us and who we are at our core.

It’s only when life has torn you down to rubble, that you have the opportunity to rebuild yourself into a better self.

When those soul-shaking life experiences happen – the death of someone important to you, the betrayal of a lover, the loss of a job – we have two choices. We can either succumb to the tragedy and wither away in darkness, or we can rise triumphantly from the wreckage. 

Allow yourself the time to grieve, but don’t get stuck there. Find things you can be grateful for within that dark situation – there is always, always something to be grateful for. And then look for the lessons – the value of a person, how precious life truly is, patience – whatever they might be.

The moment you shift your focus to gratitude and the lessons you are meant to learn, your metamorphosis begins.

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